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All in the gut – Ways to deal with stomach flu and beyond


All in the gut – Ways to deal with stomach flu and beyond

‘Stomach flu’ is a form of viral gastroenterities – an intestinal infection usually marked by initial stages of chills, fever, abdominal cramps and nausea, which can transition to watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The severity and extent of symptoms usually vary from person to person and can happen through contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. 

Stomach flu has to run its course as your body works to eliminate the toxins and fight the infection. Your saving grace might be in getting some relief from the symptoms. But more than just popping painkillers to suppress the symptoms and discomfort, some of these remedies can do more in providing recovery support and strengthening your body beyond these symptoms. 

Tummy Relief

First and foremost, you’ll be bestfriends with TUMMY RELIEF for the next couple of days. In fact, extend the friendship for as long as you’d need – your gut will approve! 

Apply Tummy Relief in a clockwise direction and massage through gently in the same direction. 

  • helps to relieve abdominal pains
  • powerful anti-viral properties to help combat virus
  • soothe digestive tract
  • restore balance to bowel movements
  • curb vomitting and nausea 

Apply Tummy Relief on the bottom of your feet and massage firmly through reflex points. 

  • the reflex points on your feet can help alleviate the symptoms
  • essential oils are absorbed through the soles of the feet and circulated into the bloodstream throughout the body for general boost of well-being
  • restore balance in the body 

Apply Tummy Relief on the inner wrists and apply accupuncture pressure:

  • helps alleviate and curb nausea and vomitting
  • essential oils applied on the pulse points can also be absorbed into the body through inhalation

Focus on applying the oils as consistently as possible. This helps to consistently feed the body with oily ammunition so it can better fight through the infections. 

  • for severe symptoms, apply every 15-30 mins
  • as symptoms get better, apply every 1-2 hourly
  • for milder symptoms, apply every 3-4 hourly
  • for general wellness, apply once or twice a day


Secondly, increase probiotic intake to introduce good bacteria to your gut and support your digestive health. Continue to take probiotics daily for general immune and digestive health. 

For babies, breastfeeding mummies can also increase their probiotic intake while feeding them more regularly. 

We use this Garden of Life Raw Probiotics for Kids from iHerb that can be mixed with water, milk or any fluids they might take. (Use rewards code KCW007 on iherb.com for 5% off your first order.) 


Thirdly, honey baby! Not for babies below 1 year old but for everyone else, honey is amazing to support the recovery. You can mix them with water and lemon too and sip it throughout the day.

  • high in antioxidants
  • antibacterial properties 
  • contains nutrients and “good sugars” to keep energy levels up, especially when you can’t keep food down.


Fourthly, boost your body’s immunity with our Shoo-Fever blend by applying it regularly along the spine, back of neck and soles of feet. 

Some benefits include:

  • helps increase your body’s defences and support the recovery
  • to fight fevers and bring down body temperature
  • for joint pains and aches for kids, especially during fevers 

Drink Fluids

Fifth, drink lots of fluids. Fluids are critically important since you’re losing vital bodily fluids through sweating, vomiting and diarrhoea. If you have trouble keeping fluids down, try taking small sips at regular intervals or sucking on ice cubes. For kids, use straws or syringes and make it fun! Some of the best fluids to drink are:

  • clear liquids, such as water, coconut water and broth
  • sports drinks which can help with electrolyte replacement (for older children and adults) 
  • certain teas, such as ginger or peppermint, which can help calm the stomach and alleviate nausea 

Consume BRAT diet

Six, try eating the BRAT diet. Don’t force to eat if you can’t keep food down. You’re miserable enough as it is! When you do finally feel you can get something down, it’s best to start small and simple. The BRAT diet – Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast, are easy to digest, contain carbohydrates to give you energy and replenish lost nutrients. 

Avoid some foods

Seven, take note of foods you should avoid. Generally, avoid dairy, fibrous foods and anything fatty or spicy. They can be hard to digest and may aggravate gas and diarrhoea. 

Get sufficient rest

Eight, get plenty of rest. While you’re resting, your body is working hard to fight off the infection and repairing damage on the cellular level. Apply our Sleep Tight blend to help you get more restful sleep so you can rest and recover more effectively.

As you recover, you’d find that regular oiling helps you play a more active role in your recovery process and can help you feel more comfortable when dealing with the various symptoms. Keep on oiling even as symptoms subside (just adjust the frequency accordingly) and allow time for the body to recover. 

More than that, all of these ways and remedies are great habits to continue beyond your stomach flu episode. They do more than just supressing the symptoms. They strengthen your body, your immunity and your nervous systems even further along. So, these make great tips to elevate your everyday wellness too and work great for both kids and adults. 

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